Our smile is the first thing which talks about us
The term cosmetic / aesthetic orthodontics means all those treatments which give our anterior teeth their natural shape and color. The great attention given to the aesthetic result does not ignore the functional aspect. Part of these procedures are also used to reconstruct posterior teeth.
The value of a beautiful smile has first do to with the color of the teeth.
Dental bleaching, also known as tooth whitening
In our dental office, we use an innovative technique which allows us to obtain excellent results without any side effects and just in one session.
After the oral hygiene session, we proceed with the whitening procedure and apply a gel which is activated with an ultraviolet light.
The result is immediately visible at the end of the treatment, so you will be able to exit the dental office with white teeth.
Watch how we execute the dental bleaching
Aesthetic filling procedures
It is an orthodontic procedure which uses composite materials and allows us to reconstruct damaged tooth parts caused by cavities or traumas.
It can be done on both anterior and posterior teeth.
The materials used are defined composites. Thanks to their color and consistency, it is possible to reproduce the aspect of a tooth in a natural way.
If used on anterior teeth, it is even possible to reconstruct damages involving 40% of the tooth.
On posterior teeth, they are usually used to substitute old fillings, which became too dark for a dazzling smile.
The inlay is a therapy in-between a filling and a crown. It allows us to reconstruct very damaged teeth by using the healthy tissue of the tooth.
It can be done before doing a crown, so that teeth remain vital.
What is specifically?
Often, patients with old amalgam fillings often decide to substitute them because they are toxic and unaesthetic. For their substitution, it is possible to choose between some new materials on the market, such as zirconium or composite.
The inlay is considered a filling to be done on molars and bicuspids when they are very damaged and cannot allow a traditional filling.
It is first prepared in the lab, with the aid of a dental impression done on a tooth with dental drills.
Inlays are divided into two categories: those covering the entire occlusal part of the tooth and those inside the tooth shape. They are a good solution in-between fillings and crowns.
Facets and aesthetic crowns
Facets and aesthetic crowns take care of very damaged teeth by giving them their natural shape and color.
Facets are customised thin ceramic layers to be glued on the frontal part of the tooth with a micro invasive technique.
They can obtain excellent results only in cases of: slightly uneven teeth, teeth presenting a slightly different color compared to the rest or fractured ones, or teeth in which the aesthetic filling does not guarantee a good result.
They are not indicated on teeth with an excessive uneven shape or position, discoloured ones or devitalized ones because the small facet thickness is not able to conceal colors which are too dark.
Aesthetic crowns are made of ceramic or both ceramic and zirconium. They do not contain dark metals.
They are used in very damaged or devitalized teeth, in very discoloured ones and in all those cases in which we want to reposition the tooth in its original position, without intervening orthodontically.
In both cases, the porcelain naturalness allows us to extraordinarily imitate the natural tooth, assuring a perfect synthesis between aesthetics and harmony in shape.
Lingual orthodontics
Lingual orthodontic appliances enable most demanding patients to feel at ease during the treatment period. The initial phonetic difficulty, due to the interference between tongue and appliance, is usually overcome in a few adjustment days.
Gingival recession or receding gums
Some patients present a consistent gingival recession in the teeth cervical area.
The main causes are: wrong dental brushing, lack of oral hygiene and periodontitis. The consequences are: dentin hypersensitivity and deterioration of the general aesthetic aspect of the face. Gingival recession changes the proportion between the tooth and the gum, especially at incisor, canine and bicuspid level. It is therefore necessary to reconstruct the damaged part of the tooth with a composite material.
At this point, micro surgery is needed to graft the connective tissue which reconstructs the gum and covers the dental root, thus protecting sensitive teeth.