Christmas opening hours

Christmas opening hours

We remind all kind patients that, during the holidays, out studio will be open according to these times:  December 27, 28, 29 and 30: 9 am - 5.30 pm  December 31: CLOSED  January 3, 4, 5 and 7: 9 am - 5.30 pm  January 8: CLOSED For any need, you can contact the secretary office in the opening hours or, ...
sleep disorders

Sleep disorders in early childhood: what to do

Sleep disorders can also affect children Many children, even very young ones, snore habitually, others intermittently, and not necessarily in the presence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome - OSAS. However, among these snorers, there are some who have a real reduction in the air they breathe due to real interruptions in breathing during sleep. In practice, there is a temporary ...
invisible orthodontics

Invisible orthodontics to rediscover the smile as grown-ups

With invisible orthodontics this is possible... A smile ruined by crowded, crooked teeth or with a malocclusion that prevents us from smiling freely. Those who find themselves in this situation know the embarrassment in showing their smile is strong, it creates unnaturalness and sometimes limits social relations. Maybe there was a hesitation for a long time. Or we had to ...

Merry Christmas and a happy 2021!

BEST WISHES!! All together we wish you Merry Christmas and a happy 2021. We ask all kind patients who feel the need for a plane to greet 2020 to request the “Bye bye 2020” kit from the reception :-)

Fluoride for teeth: how and how much?

Fluoride is important for its envolvement in the natural process of dental remineralization: meaning that physiological mechanism which strengthens our teeth through the application of minerals from the saliva to the tooth. We should not forget that fluoride also has an antibacterial efficacy, since it can obstruct the presence of the main bacteria responsible for cavities (the Streptococco Mutans). Old ...

Nitrous oxide to treat kids and adults fearless

NITROUS OXIDE A natural way to help kids and adults relax and live the dentist's experience without fear. Nitrous oxide sedation is one of the best and safest methods to treat young patients, but also adults. The administration takes place by air thanks to a small scented mask positioned on the nose. The mask delivers a natural and non-harmful blend ...
dental hygiene in children

Dental hygiene in children: short guide

Let's talk about the dental hygiene in children. With its third free guide, the Centro Ortodontico Vicentino focuses on the smile of patients from zero to three years. Up to 3 years is essential that parents work to lay the foundations for the child to become familiar with some good dental hygiene habits and with the first tools. This will ...

Pacifier use guide in children

Here we are with our second guide dedicated to the pacifier for new mothers struggling with the many and new needs of their children. Today we want to talk about the pacifier because there are many doubts about the use of this tool: is it right to use it? Which is better to choose? When is it correct to remove ...

Small black stains on your kid’s teeth?

Is your kid's smile ruined by small black stains on his teeth? What are they?  They are not funguses, nor cavities or stains caused by nicotine or coffee. They are the so-called BLACK STAINS and mainly affect young patients, even though they can also affect adult patients and they often disappear spontaneously with growth. WHAT ARE THEY REALLY? They are dark ...

MIH or hypomineralization of incisors and molars

MIH, plaster teeth or enamel hypomineralization? We mean the same thing. Let's see what it is!  This pathology, increasingly widespread in children, indicates the presence of hypomineralization in the enamel of incisors and molars (Molar Incisor Hypomineralization). The MIH is a quality defect of the enamel which, in most severe cases, leads to crumbling teeth. Its origin is due to the ...