The loss of one or more teeth threatens our relationship capacities and causes severe aesthetic and functional problems
Thanks to new technologies and the use of modern materials, it is now possible to conceal the absence of one or more dental elements with quality prosthesis and with a completely natural effect.
Our goal is to give back naturalness to our social life by guaranteeing a correct chewing and a healthy nutrition. If possible, when the patient does not intend to face a surgical intervention to place an implant, we will proceed with a prosthetic rehabilitation.
When we speak about prosthetic rehabilitations, we can divide them into: fixed ones, usually cemented or screwed on implants; mobiles ones including dentures and removable prosthetic devices or removable partial dentures.
In any case, regardless of the type, dentures should respect three characteristics:
- functional to reinstate the correct phonatory and chewing functions
- resistant and lasting for a long time
- aesthetically pleasant and natural to reinstate facial harmony
Which denture?
As there are many possible dentures, the orthodontist will evaluate the best solution to renovate the patient’s smile, depending on his/her needs. In order to have a better understanding, we will now present the main types of dentures.
Mobile prosthetic dentures
Mobile prosthetic dentures are removable appliances used to replace missing natural teeth. This type of denture represents a more traditional and low-cost choice, usually used for elderly patients or as a temporary solution in treatment plans which require a bone regeneration. It is faster during the intervention and to create the appliance, but it has a lower comfort level compared to other possible solutions and it requires a progressive adjustment period of the mouth and the patient needs to remove it daily to perform an oral hygiene.
It can be:
- total when the dental arch is completely missing all the dental elements and remains attached to the mucosa because of a suction effect. It can sometimes be attached to the residual roots or to two or more implants
- partial and, in this case, it is made of a metallic structure called removable partial denture which is anchored to natural adjacent teeth through hooks, even invisible ones
Fixed prosthetic dentures
This kind of denture is permanently screwed or cemented to teeth and implants and can be removed only by the dentist. Therefore, it does not require the patient to arrange for its removal for everyday oral hygiene, nor to pay particular attention to the food being chewed, as the chewing capacity is equal to the one of natural teeth. It can be replaced by dental crowns, dental bridges screwed to implants or cemented to adjacent natural teeth, conveniently prepared and limited (reduced to fragments, they will act as natural supports for the bridge) or dental facets, to be considered hardly invasive aesthetic dentures.
Prosthetic dentures on implants
Fixed dentures on implants are able to completely restore the lost chewing capacity thanks to a safe, aesthetically natural and long-lasting solution able to minimize the loss of natural elements or bone gingival imperfections.
In this case, we sum the personalized precision of the dental lab, our expertise and the most advanced surgical methodologies with the latest generation materials.
Visit the page dedicated to dental implantology
Le protesi estetiche o minimamente invasive
Questa tipologia di protesi fissa comprende le faccette, gli intarsi e le corone minimamente invasive. Sono protesi a prevalente funzione estetica perchè puntano a modificare il dente nella forma o nel colore perché non armonizzato con i denti naturali sani adiacenti.
- Le faccette hanno la funzione di modificare l’estetica del dente qualora forma o colore non si armonizzi con i denti adiacenti.
Sono prestazioni a minore valenza funzionale ma che possono migliorare drasticamente l’aspetto del nostro sorriso. - Gli intarsi sono grosse otturazioni che vengono fabbricate in laboratorio e poi cementate in bocca sul dente sano rimanente.
Hanno la funzione di ristabilire l’occlusione evitando molto spesso di devitalizzare il dente. - Le corone minimamente invasive servono a ripristinare il tavolato occlusale specialmente nei casi di grave usura della superficie dentale.
Possono essere eseguite sui denti vitali o devitalizzati e risparmiano dalla limatura gran parte del dente sano.
Hybrid prostheses
They are totally mobile-bearing prostheses fixed to residual teeth or implants. Hybrid prostheses are a halfway solution which make the prosthesis function safer. They are particularly recommended to the elderly.
Implants can be linked to prostheses individually by using an o-ring or a precision bar.